Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Blues Brothers

One of my mom's favorite movies is "The Blues Brothers".  It's right up there with "Planes, Trains and Automobiles".  What can I say, my mom has really great taste... although I might only be saying that because those are two movies that I really enjoy as well.

What do Spain and the Blues Brothers have in common?  Absolutely nothing, except that last night a Spanish dubbed version happened to be on TV.  Last night Fina and her grandson entered our apartment at approximately 10:27pm.  I was a little shocked because Fina usually comes home to feed me around 8:30pm and the few times that I have made my own dinner she wasn't very pleased.  So I waited patiently for two hours for dinner, which didn't bother me one bit because I was falling in love with Spanish history, aka writing my Spanish Civil War paper (I really love Spanish History, that was not sarcasm).

So Fina cooked me up an egg and I chatted with her grandson, Eric.  I love Eric, we have great conversations, he is so great.  Okay, he is also ten, but that is beside the point.  I think he might be my favorite Spanish person.  Anyways!  We talked about the cagatio (I will do a post later more extensively about this.. it deserves its own post).  But in short, the cagatio is a ridiculous log that generally looks kind of like this:

So Eric cannot believe that Americans don't have cagatios for Christmas.  Cagatios are logs that they "feed" every day before Christmas and then on Christmas the fam. yells "CAGA! CAGA! CAGA!" which means "POOP! POOP! POOP!" And then the parents make presents come out!

Anyways.  None of that is the point.  The point is that after our conversation about the pooping log, we all watched the Blues Brothers.  Fina started complaining, but saying she didn't like the actor.  We ignored it.  Oh my gosh!  So much fun.  I was happy that the dubbing didn't ruin the humor.  When songs came on, they asked me to translate them.  I usually gave a rough, but accurate description of what the song was about.  By the end of it, all three of us had fallen asleep on the couch.  I headed to bed and right before falling asleep I thought, "yes, today was a good night indeed".

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