Sunday, September 6, 2009

The American Gypsies

Doctor Barbosa, the director of my study abroad program has told us time and time again “do not eat in the hallways or on the ground, eat in the cafeteria or in the park.  So today after classes me and some of my companeros took our bocadillas and set out to find a nice park. Keep in mind we were starving to death and a bocadilla was just what we needed to survive.  Well we walked.. and walked.  And found many bars and tapas, but no parks.  Finally, we had arrived to our eating destination about half an hour later.  After searching far and wide all over the city for the perfect spot, we selected a sketchy alley.  We sat on a curb in the gutter of the ghetto and ate our bocadillas.  Jenny, one of the BCA students had a banana peel and a piece of tin foil next to her on the ground when suddenly out of nowhere comes an Indian man with a trashcan on wheels who points at her trash.  She looked back at him and he said, “Where are you from?” and then continued “Are you American?” and she says “I am American”.  He asked her if she was a gypsy.  Jenny was like uh what?  And he says you are an American gypsy why didn’t you throw your trash away you American gypsy.  She responded “I was going to” and he looked at her like “yeah right”.  It was so weird.  Lesson of the day.. when Barbosas says don’t eat in the school hallways she means don’t eat in the gutter either.  These lessons that I am learning are priceless.

Other notable things of the day:

1. I got to see Americans and realized that I do in fact have so friends in the country

2. Classes were really good, including the Art History class that began today

3. Caitlin and I began collecting data for our special fashionista blog which meant we went around taking pictures of random people on the street…

4. I successfully unlocked the apartment door for the first time ever and I think I correctly locked it this morning as well

5. I realized that this is my home for the next 5 months and I am very happy about it

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