Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Partner in Crime

I am a firm believer in the friends make life just better.  Of this I am certain.  I laugh harder, smile bigger and just really feel like I am a lot funnier.  Not going to lie.. when I first got here I was kind of bumming.. I was like where are my feisty wenches?  Well, life goes on (even though I miss my wenches.. don’t get me wrong).  Anyways, I am excited because I found some great people here that appreciate how insane I am and add to the fun.  I mean for example.. Caitlin and I plan on taking on many adventures.  We have made a list of this to do in Spain and have begun completing them.

And I had a nice relaxing lunch (not in a gutter) at the pier today. Yeah life is good.

Other interesting happenings:

1.  I met a man who could not obstain from yelling.. at first we struggled.. but I later saw him in the stairwell and we talked for a little

2.  I went to the Dali museum and was really happy with what I saw

3.  Tony embraced my love of the gatitos.. but Ferraro did not

4.   I really feel like Ferraro is beginning to enjoy our convo group

5.  I was lost for about an hour with Caitlin but good company makes being los better

6.  I had a tour of the older part of our campus and was amazed by the beauty and excited that UB is my school (“Somos legit”)

7.  Fina was unhappy with me because not only could I not figure out how to unlock the door, but this morning I didn’t lock it correctly.  Whoops. 

8.  Fina prepared half a chicken for me.  It was rico but I couldn’t finish it all

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