Thursday, September 10, 2009


I walked to school today and cut it down to approximately 38 minutes at a good pace.  Music has kind of been lacking in my life because my iPod is in Maine but last night when I couldn’t sleep I was listening t so music in my room.  It was like I suddenly remembered that music exists and that I love it.  In that very spirit I walked to school singing my little heart out because the streets did not have too many people on them and I really thought nothing of it.  School was good.  I had coffee with my conversation professor and got this sweet picture taken with Tony!! 

After class we went to the Placa Reial with Caitlin and Allan.  We decided this was a decent park to have lunch.  We had adventures in Auala 9B where I rubbed my essence all over the classroom so that Caitlin would have a good semester in that classroom.  I am feeling pretty good atm, which means at the moment.. in case you didn’t know (sorry I had to throw that in there..). 

Oh right, this post is about walking.  After those happenings I walked home and you know, I was feeling the singing on the way to school so I started right up again.  Trouble was that it was pretty much rush hour on the streets of Barcelona which means there were a ton of people walking.  I had not noticed that this was the case until I was stopped at a crosswalk and this girl was looking at me.  Not only was like wearing a ridiculous outfit (purple headband and Nikes), but I was also singing, in public, in English, in Spain.  I abruptly stopped and think I will save my song for the early morning when it is just me and streets.


Other happenings:

1.     No luck finding saggy crotch pants for myself. I actually haven’t tried, I have been really tired

2.     I never sleep and it is bothering me. I go to bed around 10 or 11 and cannot fall asleep. At about 2am I usually give up and listen to music or write.

3.     I am leaving for León tomorrow for five days and just cannot wait!

4.     This was the last day of conversation and grammar classes. Que triste!

5.     In between classes Caitlin and I found a cool CD stores and a thrift store as well… which are essentials

6.     There is a man at the door at this very moment who has rang the doorbell 3 times but I have no idea what to do because I don’t know him and Fina said not to let anyone in if she is not home.. uh.

7.     And if you are in your room singing and the window is open everyone can hear you so maybe keep it down a little.. especially if you don’t want the man at the door to know you are home..

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