Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sunday- Pollo o Pescado (Chicken or Fish)

My flight from Dulles to France was amazing. Well as amazing as seven consecutive hours of sleep only interrupted for dinner and breakfast. I took Tylenol PM. Turns out I was sitting next to this chica Marie from my group, who I had labeled the Diva. Diva and I said not a word the whole flight GREAT. Anyways. I woke up to a man saying “Chicken or Fish” and I was like.. “uhh chicken”. I absolutely love salmon, but am kind of leery of most other seafood. I mean, I will eat it, but I don’t request it. For those of you who know me well, you know my relationship with salmon. I obsess over it. I could eat it at any moment. Turns out the fish was salmon and I was quite sad. Anyways. Back to bed I went after some interesting version of chicken and gravy. The flight was pretty uneventful otherwise.

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