Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wednesday- Solomente tres más horas…

So in Spain they do not believe in snacking. It is a very sad reality I have come to face. Around 9am we have breakfast which has been chocolate covered croissants and sweet bread (I usually have a piece of toast and an apple because everything else is way too sweet.. and drink two cups of the strongest coffee in the world), and then at 2pm we have la comida, which consist of a sandwich, and FINALLY at 9pm we have la cena which is a fabulous three course meal first with bread and veggies, then a main course of meat and rice, veggies, or potatoes and finally, tons of fresh fruit for desert. As you can imagine, around 6pm hunger strikes and it is hard not to eat anything in sight. I packed a jar of “mantequilla de cacahuetes” (peanutbutter) because I love it dearly and they don’t sell it around here. Anyways I have been tempted to dip into that,a couple of times but I have decided that I cannot have it until I am so homesick or stressed that I am in tears… which I am sure will come at some point this trip. Anyways… the big joke around here is “only three more hours till cena”. Literally everyone gets moody, faint, and sleepy. I don’t understand how the Spanish can handle never eating. My blood sugar dips to dangerously low places in between meals.

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