Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday- “Porque te levantas tan temprano” y “tú eres un poco gordita” (“Why do you get up so early” and “you are a little bit fat”)

Fina, my host mom is hilarious. That is all there is to it. First of all, when I was moving in she was like “I never shut my door, I mean you can if you want but really what have we got to hide, you can shut your door but I think it is weird but do what you want” and I was like oh okay. So I woke up hella early today and showered and got changed. I shut the bathroom door because the shower is essentially a glass box and I just thought it best. Anyways. Life continued to happen. I got changed and did a little reading in my room with the door shut. She came into my room and asked “are you crying” and I said no. And then she was like “well then why is the door shut” and I said that I was just reading and didn’t want to wake her or anything. She was like “why are you up so early? You hate it here don’t you?” and I had to reassure her that I wake up early every morning and that it is impossible for me to sleep in. She was like “okay, but keep your door open”. Vale (okay).

Every meal we have all we do is talk about obesity and food. It is really a killjoy. How can you truly enjoy eating if you are talking about how fat the world is? Anyways… today over breakfast when I had one piece of bread and the strongest cup of coffee known to mankind she said “Tu eres un poco gordita” which essentially means, “you are a little chubby”. I just said, “Yo sé” (I know) and continued eating my food. The funny thing was that I was thinking, I might die today from lack of food. I was explaining to her that at home I have oatmeal with fruit and milk or something similar. She thought I was insane. This is clearly the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Honestly.. I love her. She is so great!


  1. that's crazy. my host mom wouldn't stop shoving food in front of me. i thought i was going to die from too much food in take. i guess in the south they're all about being fat :) but spanish moms are great at making you laugh. mine was quite funny as well

