Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tuesday- My first time in the Mediterranean.. que torpe (how clumsy/awkward)

So my group is spending the next five days at a hotel and it is a bit of a tight fit but there is a huge patio and a pool and more importantly, la playa (the beach). Last night we took a test moments after arriving in the country. No bueno (no good). Oh did I mention I am rooming with the Diva? Actually, she is not a diva. She just had a crappy send off including a stupid boy dumping her on the way to the airport. Anyways.. looks like we will be pretty solid friends here. She is fun. Straight out of Texas.

Today we began language classes, which consist of one conversation class, one grammar class, and then an orientation class about study abroad stuff. My conversation class left much to be desired. Por ejemplo (for example) today Marie (aka Diva) said “la playa” and the teacher kept saying QUE? She was like “if there is one thing I know how to say… it is la playa”. It was just kind of a painful and awkward class because the teacher has a really difficult accent and is kind of cold.

My teacher for grammar is Tony and he is the coolest. He has great round glasses that have three rhinestones on the sides. His belly tests the restraints of his shirt and I cannot help but wonder when those buttons will just quit. Honestly, this man is the coolest. He is the best teacher I have had in Spanish. He is so great!

I saved the best for last… after la comida (lunch) some of us headed to the beach to relax. I got there shortly after most of the others had gone in the water. In pure excitement I ripped off my clothes and ran into the water. I had no idea that there is a drop off and I tripped and went into the water but skillfully made it appear like a dive. I joined my fellow classmates and thought, “yeah, good thing I played it cool… they have no idea”. At the end of the day I asked this guy Tom how his day was. He responded, “Pretty good, your face plant was definitely the highlight”. So I was a little embarrassed and said that I thought I had tricked them into thinking it was a dive and he said, “the best part was the Mike (another kid on the trip) had just said ‘look here comes Baywatch’ because you were running and the wind was blowing and immediately after he said that you ate playa”. Well at least everyone knows how cool I am.

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