Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friday- Last day at Hotel Luna, Home sweet home, and some saggy crotch pants

So I woke up and decided that I would make conversation class good today. I went downstairs, had my coffee and break and an apple and went to class. First the teacher asked where Rory was and I said “maletas” which means suitcases. And the teacher asked is he in a suitcase. And I said “quizás” which means perhaps and then continued to say it would not surprise me (if you knew this Rory kid, you would get what I mean). So Rory shows up and I said “he escaped.. he must be Houdini”. Class was much better. I also snorted which I think disgusted the teacher.

Tony was right on.. as usual. Turns out after the pre-semester course I will have Tony as my teacher for “Spanish in America” which looks at the history of the changes that the language undertook. I am excited to stare at that glorious belly for a whole semester. I will take a picture of it soon so everyone can enjoy. I seriously love Tony.

Caitlin (one of the study abroad students) and I are absolutely obsessed with these saggy crotch pants. I really want a purple pair. They are ridiculous. So we have decided that we are going to start a blog about them. We want to study the various types, style, uses, and benefits to the saggy crotch pants. We plan on taking pictures of all the different ones we see around, interviewing those who wear them, and yes, buying a pair of our own so we can experience what it is to wear the saggy crotched pants. Okay so some of them sag so low the crotch is at ankle level. They are made out of linen, stretchy material, and some even JEANS. It is very awesome. Once we get more research and are able to start the blog I will post the URL here so you can all learn about this amazing piece of clothing that I am sure will change my life forever.

Oh I am not in Barcelona. I live with this sweet older woman name Rufina Izquierdo but she prefers to be called Fina. Her apartment is cute. It is small, but everything in Europe is small. It is comfortable and quiet. I think it will be a great change of pace. So her Spanish is really hard to understand and I am so tired that I keep making her repeat herself. We had a nice dinner together and she left for una obra (a play) so I am on our balcony looking at my new city!

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